Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Never Ending Holidays

Well, is seems I'm down to once a month blogging. So here's last month's recap. Christmas was wonderful and busy as usual. We spent the morning at our house, the afternoon with my parents, and the evening with Andy's family. We ended up back at our house, exhausted and stuffed full of food, with our car stuffed full of gifts. Caleb got a big boy bike and Alex got Heely's, so we have wheels going every which way, along with quite a nervous mom!

A few weeks after Christmas, we celebrated Caleb's 4th birthday. We just always seem to be celebrating something around here! We spent the morning of his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese with his good buddy Ryan, and went to Red Robin for dinner that night. He picked out the restaurant himself because he knew they sing to you and bring you free ice cream there. Smart kid. We also celebrated with a family dinner at our house another night. He loved his Lightning McQueen helmet and the bouncy ball that Aunt Tammy gave him. He bounces practically everywhere he goes now.


anthonyandbeth said...

Happy Birthday Caleb! Wow, 4 & 7!!! those are BIG BOYS!!! i know your enjoying seeing them grow up!

heather said...

You guys had a busy month! It's so nice when the holidays are over and things get back to normal. Your boys are getting so big!

Jamie said...

Ryan enjoyed spending time with Caleb at Chuck E Cheese, especially riding that roller coaster over and over!! Can't believe that your boys are so big now. I remember when Alex was born, seems not so long ago! I bet you are glad to have the holidays and birthdays all behind you.


Like Jamie, I remember when Caleb was born. It doesn't seem like 4 years ago! Sounds like you've had a busy month with holiday festivities and birthday celebrations. Lots of fun!

Heather J said...

Happy Birthday Caleb! It was great seeing you guys Sunday for the 'open house' and looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday for another bday celebration!

Ward Blog said...

Both boys are getting so big and they are soooo cute!!! Please come by and visit sometime soon, I miss you!!!!