Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Way of Keeping Track's 2009. The years since I've had kids have been flying by like crazy. Since I've started working, they're going by even faster. Even though it's only January, before I know it, Christmas will be here again. Yikes!! The years race by and my boys keep getting bigger! Since I can't slow it down, I decided to start taking notes. This way, when I have time to take a breather and reflect, I can look back at some of the stuff we did and remember our family moments with smiles (and sometimes with tears I'm sure). I thought about buying a diary and just writing down everything, but let's face it - the days of pen and paper have been pushed aside by the computer. So I'm going with the technological flow and starting another blog. Mainly it's just for me, as an easy way of keeping a journal, but feel free to visit if you'd like. The link is at the top of this page somewhere. There won't be any pictures, just random notes and thoughts. I'll save the pics for this page. Don't be looking for anything too juicy though. That stuff doesn't get put on the world wide web. :)


Laurel Conrod said...

Hey, that's a good idea! We need to get together with you all sometime soon. Are you guys in Portsmouth?

anthonyandbeth said...

where's the link??? :)