Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

Today I got spoiled rotten. I know, I know. Alot of you are thinking that happens every day. Well, it does happen alot. What can I say - I've got a great man and some great boys! When Andy woke up (I was sleeping in of course), he found Alex in the living room hard at work. Bless his heart - he was making a banner to hang up in the hall. He said he wanted to make me something since he didn't buy me something. My heart just melted that he did that all on his own. What a sweet boy! The boys gave me a card the size of a calendar that played music. I can't tell you how many times Caleb opened that thing and danced to it. He's such a nut! I was served breakfast in bed, taken shopping, out to lunch, then to my parents for dinner. If only every Saturday could be like that. Thank you to my wonderful friends and family for making me feel so treasured.

I have to brag on my friend Kristy for a bit. She made this flower arrangement for me. I'm so blown away by her talent!

1 comment:

Jen said...

That is one thing about being the only girl - you do get a spoiled a little more!