Friday, May 16, 2008

The end is near!

I'm talking about preschool. Caleb had his end of the year picnic this week, and next week is his last week! So long "mommy time" and hello summer! I'll definitely miss my quiet time while both boys are in school, but I'm ready for going to the beach. I need some color on these white legs! Anyway, back to Caleb's picnic. They brought in a petting zoo and a pony for rides, a bouncer, and set up tons of game stations outside. It was so much fun! Of course, he will expect this every time he goes to school now. They served pizza and cookies, and I was amazed at what some preschoolers' tummies can put away! Wow!


heather said...

What a fun party Caleb had. It's hard to believe school is almost over. I love the beginning of summer, sleeping in, spending time with the kids. Then I spend too much time with the kids and start the countdown for school to start again.

Jen said...

Now that's a going away party! Yes, the preschool days are nearing their end. Before we know it though it will be September and we'll be wishing for summer!

anthonyandbeth said...

that's a fabulous party! caleb looks so BIG!!!