Monday, May 12, 2008

Yeah for Saturday!

I just love Saturdays. There are no lunchboxes to pack, no one to take to school, and usually no errands to run. This past Saturday we spent at my old high school. They had their 25th anniversary carnival (finally, after being rained out twice) out on their football field. Those boys wore me out! Alex made his first attempt climbing a rock wall. He started to get pretty nervous about half way up and came back down. That was plenty high for him. There were inflatables, games, and even laser tag. As fun as all of that was, both boys will tell you that the highlight of their day was the snowcones. Check out their face painting - didn't the girl who did it do an awesome job? I thought they looked great! Of course, 2 days later, I'm still trying to scrub the red out of Caleb's shirt.


heather said...

Wow, GCA is 25? Mr. White is OLD :)! Looks like fun!

Ward Blog said...

Look like sooo much fun!!!

anthonyandbeth said...

alex looks so big on the rock wall!!! oh my goodness!