Monday, September 29, 2008

Summoned to Lunch

I am happy to report that the 'Mom is embarassing' streak is over! Alex actually invited me to join him for lunch today. He was even wondering if I could come every day. What a turn of events! I knew it would happen once he saw other mothers coming. As the new kid, he just wasn't sure of how things worked in the beginning. It amazes me that even second graders are pressured to fit in. I'm just glad that my presence is desired once again. (Of course, the ice cream I bought him at lunch probably boosted my position.) That's okay. I'm not above bribery.


Jen said...

Phew...glad that's over!

Heather J said...

Bribery always has a time & and place - -usually has to do with food, doesn't it!!! ; )

anthonyandbeth said...

awww! i'm glad it's all worked out! :)